Laughter and Holy Joy

"I saw rain drops on my window, joy is like the rain. 
Laughter runs across my pane, slips away and comes again.
Joy is like the rain."
(The Medical Mission Sisters, 1966)

You are life
When all else around us is death.
And so our laughter rises up
Mocking the evil, the culture of death, that surrounds us
For we know you are with us,
With those who are disenfranchised
And cast aside as though they were trash.

Our wholeness comes from you, our Source;
Only you can name us; we are your children.
You welcome us and shower us with your abundant love.
On you we depend.
You alone define our humanity and raise us up.
Yours is the only realm that is forever.
Your realm is justice.
Your realm is equity.
Your realm is peace.

You are life
When all else around us is death.
And we are filled with deep and holy joy.


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